We offer 6 different tiers of consultation to fit in needs of different population groups. Please note we do not provide any learning experience during the consultations due to the limited amount of time. It is wise to bring a list of questions you have in your mind and we shall try and answer them during the consultation or will send you a follow-up email regarding the same. It is ideal to carry all your blood or scan reports from your GP while you come for a consultation in case of any illnesses. Follow-up consultations are absolutely necessary to determine if the advice or herbs advised during the Initial were suitable for you and what changes need to be done to improve your health.
Ayurvedic therapies can be integrated with your current conventional medical treatments and may be beneficial if you are not achieving the desired results with your existing regimen. It is advisable to consult with your GP before beginning any treatments with us. For those living further away from London, we also offer online consultations.
Book your consultation by clicking on the ‘Book Now‘ button
Carefully, read the 6 different options before you book a consultation.
Option 1. Initial Consultation for Prakruti Analysis and Diet Advice
45 Mins - £90
If you are healthy and you do not have any major illnesses you just need to find out your dosha Prakruti (normal Ayurvedic body constitution/phenotype) and recommendations for appropriate diet and lifestyle changes.
During this consultation, we would assess or ask you about your current diet and lifestyle, skin type, hair type, eye colour, pulse examination, tongue diagnosis, etc and suggest appropriate recommendations for you based on what is mentioned in ayurvedic classics. Additionally, we may recommend you counselling, follow-up appointments, detox therapy, other ayurveda therapy, or maybe even some herbs if the ayurveda doctor feels something would help you based on your current condition.
You select this option only if you are looking for an ayurvedic way of diet and lifestyle recommendations to maintain your health. We also provide consultation and herbal treatment for various diseases from hay fever to Infertility using various herbal concoctions and therapies. If you suffer from any illness like anxiety, gastric illnesses, skin, neurological, gynaecological conditions or any incurable chronic long-term conditions which are not responding to conventional therapies please select the following options appropriately.
Option 2. Initial Consultation for any Illnesses and Prakruti Analysis
55 Mins - £100
In the event of any illness you either choose this option or option no. 3. We offer consultation and herbal treatment for various diseases from Hay fever to Infertility using various herbal concoctions and therapies. During this consultation, we would assess your normal body type dosha Prakruti (normal ayurvedic body constitution/phenotype), assess any disease condition, then prescribe you a diet and lifestyle advice specific for the body type as well as dietary recommendations based on the specific illness, prescription of therapies or herbs for your illness. The cost of herbs or therapies is not included in the consultation thus this needs to be purchased separately. The cost of herbs is kept at the lowest possible prices. We would highly recommend you carry out all the relevant medical investigations carried out so far. Additionally, we would recommend follow-up appointments, counselling, detox therapy, and other Ayurveda therapies if needed.
You select this option only if you are looking for ayurvedic treatment for any particular disease condition along with an analysis of your Prakriti (ayurvedic body type analysis). If you are not interested in assessing your normal body type and probably want insight into your disease conditions and get some herbs specifically for your condition then you must select the next option which is initial consultation for any Illness and herbs. If you are suffering from chronic aches and pains you could book in for a therapeutic massage.
Option 3. Initial Consultation for any Illnesses and Herbs Only (Does not include detailed Prakruti Analysis)
45 Mins - £95
We analyse you and your disease and an appropriate diet and lifestyle as well as the herbal formulation is dispensed suitable for the illness only. During this consultation, we do not carry out a thorough assessment of one’s Prakriti or ayurvedic body type analysis. A follow-up consultation, counselling, ayurvedic therapies, and detox therapy will be recommended if needed.
Option 4: Initial Consultation for Detox / Panchakarma (PK) Programme
90 Min - £160
Embark on your journey to wellness with our comprehensive Panchakarma (PK) programme consultation. This 90-minute session includes:
Prakruti Analysis: Gain insights into your unique constitution and imbalances through a thorough assessment.
Diet and Lifestyle Modification: Receive personalised recommendations tailored to your individual needs to support your PK journey.
Detailed Process Guidance: Understand the intricacies of the Panchakarma process as we guide you through each step.
Programme Price Estimation: Explore the financial aspects of the PK programme as we discuss the estimated cost.
This option is ideal for individuals seeking to undergo a PK programme with us. We'll assess your suitability for PK and provide you with tailored guidance to kickstart your transformative journey towards holistic well-being. This may include physical, mental and digital detox tailored to your needs.
For a more detailed description of the Panchakarma process, please visit our Detox / Panchakarma page.
Note: Our program is personalised to each individual's Ayurvedic mind-body-soul type and specific health needs. Whether you're dealing with digestive issues, chronic pain, skin disorders, or mental health challenges, our detox program can provide significant relief. We recommend scheduling an Initial Consultation (Option 4) to determine the most suitable program for you and discuss the treatment costs based on your needs. Please note that we cannot provide prices without a consultation. The prices for Virechana (purgation) start from £1500 (10-11 days of which 3-5 day is the main treatment). For Basthi (enema) treatment, starts at £2500 (5 days of self administration of Basti).
Option 5. Online Consultation
50 min - £75
This consultation if suitable for people unable to travel to London. It incorporates aspects of Options 1 and 2 both and Option 4 if you are planning to visit London in the near future.
Option 6. Follow up Consultation
25 Mins - £39
You will book for a follow-up consultation if you already had an initial consultation with us either option no 1, 2 or 3, no matter how long ago it was. Do not choose this if you are visiting for an Ayurveda consultation for the very first time with us. You will be paying extra for the herbs. Additional follow-up consultation is recommended for chronic illnesses or to see the progress of the improvement or if any further therapeutic changes need to be made. This would be determined during the previous consultation or via follow-up Email.
Please Note: We provide online consultations at a fixed price of £75 for all options of Initial Online Consultation except 3 and an Online Followup Consultations at £39.
+ Asthma, Rhinitis and Sinusitis
Nasya is a widely used treatment for these conditions along with some medications used to improve immunity.
+ Gastric Disorder and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Gastric symptoms like bloating, burning sensation in the stomach, sour belching, flatulence, constipation, etc including IBS can be treated easily with ayurvedic medicines and following a strict diet. One should eat at regular intervals, never skip meals, not eat canned/processed food, which has preservatives, drink lots of water, should cut down on sour, salty and spicy food, reduce stress, etc.
+ Pain Management
Pain is one of the symptoms, which brings people to the doctor. It is unpleasant and could even totally incapacitating. The cause of pain could be anything like an autoimmune disorder like rheumatoid arthritis; age-related like osteoarthritis; trauma like whiplash; metabolic like gout; neurological like sciatica, radiculopathies, carpel tunnel syndrome; etc. Ayurveda has a specific protocol for treating different types of pain and generally addresses the root cause. It’s always a combination of diet and lifestyle modification alongside different massage and massage-like therapies as well as detox therapy depending on the condition. A course of massage therapy for a fourth night with alternate-day massage therapy could remarkably reduce chronic pain with a combination of detox and oral herbal medications. One of the pilot studies conducted by the US FDA revealed that ayurvedic therapies for rheumatoid arthritis are as effective as disease-modifying agents like methotrexate.
We also provide Sports massage for improving performance by reducing the stiffness of the muscles and increasing flexibility. It is also effective in addressing chronic sports injuries like sprains, chronic bursitis, chronic tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinosis, shin splint, calf muscle strain, knee injuries, meniscal tear, piriformis syndrome, sciatica, low back pain, iliotibial band syndrome, hamstring, quadricep and adductor strain, Osteoarthritis, rotator cuff strain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.
+ Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major lifestyle disorder affecting the majority of the population. The causes of diabetes are unhealthy diet and lifestyle, frequently consuming food, which has high amounts of sugar and other hormonal imbalance and certain drugs. If DM is not under control it will affect various organs leading to diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy, cardiovascular disorders, stroke and diabetic ulcers etc. First-line therapy for Type 2 DM is diet and lifestyle modification. Ayurvedic medicines control blood glucose levels, rejuvenate the body and prevent the complications of DM. A special type of Dhara therapy is advised in case of diabetic neuropathy.
+ Eczema
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is an autoimmune disease of the skin usually noticed at early age of life but can also occur at any time of life. Ayurvedic medicines and detox therapies along with avoiding the triggering factors help in controlling the frequency and severity of flare-ups. We have Herb infused oil to apply over the skin, which acts as a protective layer and thereby helps in controlling the itching and rashes.
+ Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease of the skin. Psoriasis causes the skin cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin. These extra skin cells from thick, silvery scales and itchy dry, red patches, which could be occasionally painful. Exposure to mild sunrays, reduction in stress, a strict diet and lifestyle management alongside Detox therapy, Ayurvedic medicines and some local application of herb-infused oil helps in remarkable improvement in the symptoms.
+ Dandruff and Hair loss
Hair fall could be due to various reasons like hormonal imbalance, hard water, nutritional imbalance, infection, genetic, drug-induced, stress, etc. Depending on the cause and type of skin/scalp one has we advise ayurvedic medicines as well as massaging the scalp with herb-infused oil specific for the condition. Shampoos and soaps are advised according to one’s skin type, which is an important part of the therapy.
Dandruff could also be a cause of hair fall and is addressed with specific therapies like hair packs, etc.
+ Insomnia, Stress, Anxiety and Depression
This could be a psychological or at times psychiatric condition, which needs to be treated with medicines as well as counselling. The most important therapy here is to understand oneself and try to come out of this situation. We provide treatment using a combination of various ayurvedic medicines, yoga, meditation and therapies like Shirodhara therapy. Following Sadvritta (ethical regimens) and spirituality whatever faith one believes in is very helpful in most cases.
+ Migraine
According to Ayurveda migraine headaches are believed to be due to an increase in pitta and vata. The best way of dealing with migraine is to have a routine and strictly follow the routine. Eat and sleep at regular intervals and timings. Avoid the triggers factors like extreme sunrays (always wear a cap and shades if you are going out in the sun), stress, do not skip meals, do not eat processed food, etc.
+ Paralysis
In Ayurveda, there are a couple of herbs, which help in modulating the neuronal activities along with massage and other therapies, which helps in partially gaining back some of the neuronal activity.
+ Obesity
Obesity/overweight is not only cosmetic but also a major health concern. There are various causes of obesity are imbalance in diet and lifestyle, hormonal imbalance and stress. The long-term consequences of this could lead to diabetes mellitus, PCOS, infertility, osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, cancer, hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders. Treatment includes a specific diet and lifestyle, yoga, alongside detox therapy and herbal medicines.
+ Piles
Piles/haemorrhoids are treated easily in Ayurveda using herbs and diet modifications. The diet and lifestyle modifications advised are to eat fibre rich diet, reduce intake of meat and spices, drink plenty of water, avoid constipation (by good diet and regular toilet training) and bed rest during acute conditions.
+ Infertility
Infertility is one of the most common diseases among young professionals. The treatment of Infertility according to Ayurveda is Detox and herbs, which help in regularising the hormones and rejuvenating the body (specifically the reproductive tissues). We have found success in patients who have failed IVF and ICSI after a round of ayurvedic Therapy. Ayurvedic therapies improve the endometrial atmosphere, quality of egg and semen and revitalize the reproductive system for effective ovulation, fertilization and conception. It is advised to follow an optimal diet and lifestyle and Yoga while following infertility therapy.
+Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common gynaecological disorder among women their reproductive age. It is a disorder of the female endocrine hormone leading to primary or secondary infertility. The symptoms are irregular menstruation, acne, hirsutism, hair fall and obesity. PCOS needs early diagnosis and long-term management. The complication of PCOS could be diabetes, high cholesterol, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, anxiety, depression and cancer. Treatment includes a specific diet and lifestyle alongside detox therapy and herbal medicines to correct the hormonal imbalance.